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(Wolkite University, 2024-01-30) ZENEBE ALEMU
Youth unemployment has been a common problem that faces in many urban areas of Ethiopia. In this regard, Micro and Small Enterprises (MSEs) are the main income generating activities of youth operating enterprises in Ethiopian cities and towns thereby contribute to unemployment reduction and poverty alleviation. The main objective of this study was to investigate the role of MSEs on improving socio-economic status of youth in Wolkite Town, Gurage Zone, Central Ethiopia Regional State, Ethiopia. The study followed a mixed research approach with simple random sampling techniques. Both primary and secondary data source were used. Tools of data collection primary sources were questionnaires, in-depth interview, observation and secondary data were collected using desk review. Accordingly, the population of the study consisted of 1687 enterprise owner/chair persons of Wolkite Town Administration. W a s u s e d t o s e l e c t 323 enterprise owner/chair persons and 11 key informants were selected using simple random sampling and purposive sampling respectively. Quantitative data were analyzed using descriptive statistics and Multiple Linear Regression (MLR) whereas thematic analysis was employed to analyze the qualitative data. The result indicated that the MSEs have created not only job opportunities for the youths but also improve their social capital by creating friendly environment. However, many of the micro and small enterprises business owners have to deal with several challenges such as lack of skill and know how, lack of working places, lack of access to credit, and lack of continuous follow up and support services. It also recommends it is advisable that the youths’ are expected to develop confidence, their social status while running their own business and become interested and cooperative for whatever type of jobs available to them through organizing in groups and this in turn maintains safety of the society. Hence, the study further recommends that concerned bodies need to intervene in order to address these challenges and ensure sustainability of these businesses as an alternative development strategy.
(Wolkite University, 2023) WONDIMU BERHANU
The objective of this study is Economic impact of urban youth unemployment the case of Wolkite town,central Ethiopia.A multi-stage sampling technique was used to select 350 respondentsandpurposive sampling techniques were used. This study used both primary and secondary data and quantitative data obtained in addition, key informants interview were used for qualitative information. Both descriptive and econometric models were used to analyze the collected data.For the econometric analysis binary logit model were used to identify determinates of employment status and .to address the effect unemployment.The survey results show that 54.3% and 45.7% respondents were unemployed and employed respondents respectively.The Propensity score matching method was applied to address the economic impact of youth unemployment.Furthermore, based on the results of logit model, sex of respondents, educational in status, marital status respondents, migration status, access to training, access to credit, access to job opportunities,access to land, are significant and they affect the unemployment status of respondents. Causes of unemployment in study area; ruralurban migrants, poor education system, urban-urban migration ,high population growth, and,lack of training and skill, lack of investment in the town and lack of industrial establishment, and preferring better job. The consequence of the unemployment are impacts on consumption expenditure, Therefore, the future intervention should focus to decrease unemployment in the study area government giving awareness to active age population and female how to create self-employment and, giving training access, and increasing investment activity in the town andtechnical and vocational training programs should focus on producing qualified graduates with market demanded skills and government provide the access to land for youth they invest in the land .
(Wolkite University, 2023-01-30) WALIE YIGZAW
The objective of this study was to conduct market chain analysis, to examine the red pepper, market structure, conduct and performance, analyze profitability of red pepper production, identify the determinants of households marketable surplus and Identify the major constraints, opportunities of production and supply of the red pepper to the market using primary data collected from households through semi structured questionnaire. The producers’ survey result revealed that large proportion of farmers supply the product to the market. The producers and traders survey result revealed that even the red pepper value chain suffers from low production, low quality, less value addition and irregularity of supply red pepper production was profitable for both producers and traders. The actors were producer, collector, wholesaler, retailer, processer and consumer. Hence the structure of the red pepper market in the study area was somewhat competitive. The profitability analysis also indicates that red pepper production was profitable. The average amount of red pepper supplied to the market per producer was 377.25kg with minimum amount of 0kg and maximum of 1050kg. The variables that influenced the marketable supply positively were farm size, price, family size and extension contact. Among the significant variables farm size, price and extension contact were highly significant at 1% significant level and family size at 10% significant level. The variables that influenced the marketable supply negatively were non-farm income, credit access and red pepper diseases affect market supply of red pepper negatively at 1 % level of significant. The major problems identified are diseases and pest, law product, need high men power and land selective behavior of red pepper. To solve these problems the government should be increase production by management of agronomy and pest, increase access to diseases management education and training, and the producers should be establish storage and processing facilities are recommended
(Wolkite University, 2023-01-30) TEMESGEN HABTAMU ESHETU
In today's globalized world, the barriers of distance and language have been greatly diminished, transforming our world into a closely interconnected global community. As a consequence, human languages have taken on an international character, enabling effective communication across borders. Traditionally, human translation is costly and inconvenient; several kinds of research are currently conducted to resolve this problem with machine translation techniques. |So, it is automatic, which means it translates one language to another using a computer software system. In this study, Yemsa to Amharic machine translation and vice versa are used by deep learning techniques. Due to increased speaker numbers, to address the issue of endangered Yemsa language and enhance the language's content on the World Wide Web. A numberof indigenous knowledge medicines called Samo Heta and other traditional and religious names are found in the Yemsa language. We utilized the current STOA method of deep learning. The work was executed using a seq-to-seq encoder-decoder architecture. The proposed study was conducted experiments on LSTM, Bi-LSTM, LSTM with attention, GRU and transformer models. We collected a dataset of about 6,000 parallel sentences with 11690 and 12491 vocabularies. In order to translate textinto sentence sequence, we applied the preprocessing technique and used Morfessor tools. The proposed studies utilize the 80/20 splitting technique for dividing the dataset into training and testing sets. The next step is training and testing models on a corresponding with training and testing dataset. The experiment was conducted on LSTM, Bi-LSTM, LSTM+ attention, GRU and Transformer models. Among those models, the transformer model outperforms other models by 99.4% accuracy, 0.0113 loss. And BLEU scores of 9.7 and 9.8 from Yemsa to Amharic and Amharic to Yemsa respectively. The primary limitation of the investigation is the insufficient availability of a substantial dataset to conduct comprehensive experimentation. As a result, there is a necessity to generate parallel corpora in order to conduct comparable research. Finally, the findings of the study show that utilizing deep learning techniques, particularly the transformer model, can significantly improve Yemsa to Amharic machine translation accuracy and BLEU scores.
(Wolkite University, 2023-01-30) SENAIT TEKA
The aim of the study was to measure the level of technical, allocative and economic efficiency of urban dairy farming and to identify factors affecting them in the study area. The study was conducted using Cross-sectional data on socio-economic factors and milk production collected from the 184urban dairy farmers sampled in 2015, using semi-structured questionnaires. The study used the Stochastic Frontier model to analyze the technical, Allocative and economic efficiency of milk production, while Tobit model was used to assess the factors associated with economic efficiency. The results indicated that the farmers had a mean of 84.8% in technical efficiency, 78.1% in Allocative efficiency and 66.3% in economic efficiency. The results showed that the economic inefficiency among the farmers is mostly caused by low Allocative efficiency since the farmers indicated high levels of technical efficiency. From the findings, there were considerable production inefficiencies and thus there was room for increasing productivity through the use of available inputs and reducing costs. Farmers having utilization of the available resources would yield a proportionate increase in the milk output. Increasing herd sizes, feeding animals with enough concentrates and ensuring the animals’ health care costs are met were found to be some of the solutions to the low milk productivity in urban dairy farming. The cost of concentrates and other feeds was found to be the major component of the total cost of dairy production. However, the Allocative efficiency level among the farmers was quite high, an indication that the farmers in the study area, though resource-poor, were efficient at minimizing costs. The study indicated that household size, having dairy farming as the main source of income, access to credit, hired labour, cost of fodder and concentrates were the significant factors associated with economic efficiency in urban dairy farmers in woliso. Price subsidies on dairy inputs, especially fodder and concentrate, as well as better milk prices, are some of the interventions that will see an increase in efficiency resulting in an increase in milk productivity.Policy makers should focus on increasing supply of fodder and control price of fodder and concentrates to increase milk yield further. Providing training to dairy farmers is important to increase efficiency by increasing management skills of the dairy farmers. The management skill development of dairy farmers needs to focus on feeding and cattle husbandry.